Race Log is designed
to manage the registration process and scoring of one-design sailing
regatta's. It provides up-to-date, on-going standings for a
whole season of one-design sailboat racing. Results are easily
printed, emailed, or published to the internet. Registration includes PC based and internet based. Network fleet files can be stored and shared among remote race managers. Conforms to
the new Racing Rules for 2005 - 2008 ( including Tie Breaking, New
Penalty Codes, Scoring Penalty).
Feature |
Shareware Version |
Pro Version |
Unlimited number of fleet files |
Unlimited number of Racers |
Unlimited number of Races |
8 Scoring Methods |
Tie Breaking |
Publish Results to Internet - 3 folders |
Publish Results to Internet - 15 folders |
Regatta Registration & Reporting |
Archive Fleet File |
Import External Data |
Online Registration with Paypal or mail-in |
Download online registration data |
Network Fleet Files |
Nag Screen |
Technical Support |
Deliver Race Log CD |
Regatta Registration
On-Line Registration
Network Fleet Files
Import External Data
Publish Results to Internet
Racing Rules Support (2013 - 2016 Rules)
Enhancement List
Registration and fleet management...
- Use Race Log to enter sailor data for your seasonal fleet or regatta - the sailor data is then ready for entering Finishes
- Sailor data can be entered directly into Race Log registration screen, or you can set up On-line registration. Sailors register for and enter data for the regatta on the internet. The data is then downloaded directly into Race Log.
- Keep
track of all personal and sailing information for fleet members
(name, address, phone, email, local contact, birthdate, gender,
sail number, class, division, membership, boat name, regatta payments,
comments for extraneous information such as T-shirt size, Class membership,
National Association membership, and much more).
- Create
reports include mailing labels (2 column, or
3 column Avery - #8160, #8161), active scoring sheets for
the Race Committee, detailed fleet lists, registration status report, Payment reports..
- Create
your own customized reports - save and reuse your report layouts
- Save
Event information such as Race Committee names, Event location,
dates, etc.
- Search
and Sort the fleet data by any field for easy management of large
- Unlimited
number of fleets, sailors and racers. See the new
Documentation with screen shots for more detailed information.
- Automatically
invoke the "Racing View" when you are ready to enter Finishes
and calculate Score results.
On-line Registration...
- Capture the same information as described above in Regatta Registration, and do it on-line
- Sailors enter all the above data on the internet. This saves you the effort at the busy regatta check-in..
- Data is then downloaded directly into Race Log.
- All the reports, mailing labels and scoring features described above in Regatta Registration are available.
- On-line Regatta Registration form can be created, customized, and uploaded to internet from Race Log setup screens.
- ELB Software will assign you a folder at the Race Log website where you can direct sailors for on-line registration, so you don't need your own website -- www.racelog.com/register/YOURREGID. This must be assigned to you by ELB Software. Send a request email to elb@racelog.com. (assigned by ELB Software to prevent unauthorized use - - this is different from the user assignable "Results ID").
- Optionally accept on-line Registration payment using PayPal. This is more than a simple "Buy Button". The Paypal processing is implemented with all Paypal features to ensure identity and a successfull transaction including Paypal's "Instant Payment Notification", IPN feature. This allows a back-end database or file to be updated with data from successful on-line registrants, and later downloaded into Race Log.
- Detailed instructions are included for setting up a Paypal Merchant account. All HTML for Paypal processing is generated automatically by Race Log, with customization screens for entering your Paypal "Email address" (your account id with Paypal), Paypal "Identity Token" (generated for you by Paypal when you set up IPN), and Regatta event information.
- Paypal is an optional payment feature. Regatta Fee payment can also be accepted by mailing in a check. Race Log setup screens allow you to enter Mailing Address, and other Regatta information for this option.
- Online Registration features are accessible in Registration View only.
Network Fleet File..
- Manage a fleet remotely with a shared fleet file. This allows geographically dispersed regatta managers to enter race data and create score reports using the same fleet file stored on the internet.
- A Network File ID is assigned to you by ELBSoftware which sets up a folder on the Race Log website where your data is stored -- www.racelog.com/netfiles/YOURNETFILEID. Send request to elb@racelog.com. (assigned by ELB Software, and not publicly visible to prevent unauthorized use - - this is different from the user assignable "Results ID").
- Any number of fleet files can be stored here for sharing with other regatta managers.
- This is also a handy place for sailing clubs to backup their fleet files, since they often get lost as scoring responsbilities move from person to person each season.
- Network Files are accessible from both Registration View and Racing View.
- "Check in/Check out" capability is not available so be careful to not over-write someone elses work on network fleet files. Will be available and sent to customers in new release.
- Import data into Race Log from other sources - spreadsheets, other scoring programs, any file
- Data can be - csv file (created from spreadsheet), comma delimited, "anything" delimited
- Race Log Import screens allow you to specifiy what delimiter is used, whether Quotes are used to separate fields, and whether there is a Header record.
- Since there is a variable number of Race Finishes in a Race Log file, you can specify how many Races to import. Some import files may have only Registration data for example and no finishes. So in this case you would select "0" races. The number of Races selected for import has no effect on entering additional finishes later in Race Log data entry screens
- Import accessible from Registation View only.
- Drag and Drop to create Import Map
- Import file must have same number of fields in each record, empty fields are OK
- Quoted fields can have a delimiter within field - "Smith, Ralph" - comma is ignored in this quoted field even if it is the delimiter
- No "escaped" delimiters, or escaped "Quotes" allowed
- Ability to save the Map to a file.
- No limits on number of Racers
or number of Races, or on number of fleets.
- Compare this year's standings
to last year's standings. You can have several fleet files and scoring
reports open at the same time.
- Its easy to change Scoring Methods.
Determine the best scoring method for your fleet: Compare results
using several scoring methods.
- Supports the following scoring
methods as outlined in "Yacht Race Scoring" by
F. Gregg Bemis:
- Low Point Method
- Low-Point Averaged Method (as described
in the latest US Sailing "International Yacht Racing Rules").
- High Point Method
- High Point Average Method
- High Point Fixed Method (pre-set
high score for win)
- High Point Fixed Average Method
- Bonus Point Method
- Squares of 40 Method (for Snipe's)
- The following scoring options are automatically
calculated to determine fleet standings. Each scoring method
can be fine-tuned by your Race Committee to explicitly control:
- Throwouts percentage, or number
of races
- First Place points (.75, 1, or any
other number)
- Penalties for DNC, DNS, DNF, DSQ,
- Determine whether penalties are
added to number of Entrants, Starters, or Finishers.
- Determine whether DNC's are counted
in score calculation
- Minimum participation requirements
for each race to determine whether a race will be scored
- Minimum participation requirements
for each sailor to determine Series eligibility
- Minimum score for a sailor who is
disqualified or who did not sail in a specific race
- Points can be manually overridden
to compensate for redress, etc.
- Enter Finishes by Drag'n Drop,
or have Race Log prompt you for each Finish.
- Error checking is performed
to ensure the above options are satisfied, and to check for scoring
inconsistencies, such as duplicate finishes or missing finishes, or
finished higher than participants.
- Insert Penalty or missing finishes
- Race Log will automatically adjust other finishes - this is big
time saver for large fleets
- Divide fleet into separate Divisions
and/or Classes
- Break out by selecting Top Finishers
- Bread out by selecting from the
"Class" or "Division" field ( score "Junior"
division or "Red", "White", and "Blue"
division separately
- Accurate, complete, and automatic
Tie-breaking through all finishes
- Team Racing - automatically
extract separate TEAM SCORES from race results to create TEAM Standings.
- Score Selected races as
opposed to whole fleet file of races. Easily keep track of season
standings and specific weekend standings without re-entering fleet
- Create your own View with screen
and report formats - specify which Fields
you wish to view
- Optionally identify Thrown out races
in score report, and show total points before and after throwouts.
- Many additional capabilities such as
sorting data, searching data, viewing results
before printing, saving multiple copies of score data
Publishing / Printing Results...
- Print - Format report directly
to printer, provides control over size of font, automatically formats
with bolded titles and column headings.
- WordPad format - creates print
file and then opens Windows WordPad ( the lite version of a Word Processor
which comes with Windows ) - document can be edited and then Printed
using WordPad Print functionality. The print file can be distributed
by email.
- HTML format - creates print file,
previews output in internet browser format. Report can be printed
from here, or automatically published to web at click of a
button. Race Log users can create a UserID. This becomes
a folder on the Race Log website where results are upload. The
results are available to anyone on the internet at https://www.racelog.com/results/youruserid.
This eliminates the need to find your busy computer guru to upload
results for you. The print file created can also be republished
or emailed to others.
HTML format (web format) reports can be combined into a single report by dragging and dropping report files. Multilple Division's or Classe's results can be viewed as one report.
- Email score results directly from Race Log. When viewing your score report in HTML format you can click the "email" button to fill in the email details. The currently opened report will be emailed directly.
- Comprehensive Documentation with
Screen Shots
- Developed by Computer Professional who
has been an active sailor in Sunfish, Thistle, Tartan 10 and other Class
Log's support for the new rules as specified in "The Racing Rules
of Sailing 2013-2016" - Appendix A - Scoring
- A1 - required number of races - Race Log
allows specification of minimum % of races sailed
- A2 - throwouts - Race Log can specify
a % to throw or a specific number of races to throw
- A4 - Low Point and Bonus Point scoring
methods - Race Log also supports Low Point Average, and several variations
of the High Point scoring method
- A4.1 - Bonus Point Method - supported
- A4.2 - Penalties - supported, and also
- A5 - Scores determined by Race Committee
- Race Log allows a great deal of flexibility in setting penalty values,
and allows "over-ride" points to be applied
- A6 - Changes in Place - Race Log automatically
re-sequences when inserting penalties into a finish sequence, also re-sequencing
is not done for "over-ride" points
- A7 - Race Ties - Race Log allows for actual
points to be entered which can be equal to the finish of another boat
- see "over-ride" points in Documentation
- A8 - Series Ties - fully supported in
Race Log since version 3.3, and upgraded to 2013-2016.
- A9 - Series Longer than Regatta - You
can specify whether a penalty is based on number of starters, finishers,
or entrants
- A10 - Redress - Redress can be given by
entering "over-ride" points to one decimal place
- A11 - Scoring Abbreviations - The new
penalty codes are supported, in addition to fleet files containing the
old penalty codes or abbreviations
- Rule 89.3(b) - a DNE indicates a non-excludable
(non throw-out) penalty - supported
- Rule 69.1 (B) (2) - DGM, Disqualification for Gross Misconduct under Rule 69.1 (B) (2), not excludable - supported
- Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
- 21 meg disk space to install
- access to internet required for upload
/ Publish Results to Internet....
Race Log 3.8 (4/04/2016)
- Upgraded internet access capability for Results Upload, Email Results, Network Files, and more
- Fixed bugs for Race View.
- Im Fixed bugs with Extract function in Registration View
- Restored Reports to Registration View
Race Log 3.6 (4/30/08)
- Added ability to 'email' score report directly from the Report view in Race Log.
You can access this from the Reports/Upload window
- Improved usability of Reports window, and Upload window
- Fixed Upload bug in Pro version relating to setting up and using of UserIDs.
- Improvements in Registraton Version - Can open a new registration file, or
can create a new registration file when another registration file is open. User
will be prompted to save and close the currently opened registration file.
- Same behavior is added when Converting a file after importing. The imported file will be
opened automatically, with a user prompt for saving and closing the current file.
- Fixed appearance and usability of Menu buttons across top of screen.
- Added DGM (Disqualification under rule 69.1(b)(2); not excludable) scoring code
- Fixed problem with printing sailors with ISAF ID
Race Log 3.5 Build 13 (9/18/06)
- Fixed loading of a "Map" file in the "Import External File" feature (Registration View). The saved Map information was not being displayed. Now the saved Map is properly displayed when Opened.
- Added ability to see previously used "Report Files" when printing score results to a file (Racing View). This makes it easier to reuse existing report files, and to save separate reports before uploading to internet.
- Fixed long standing problem when printing to "Web Format" which is used when uploading results to internet (Racing View). The HTML used to generate the Table was missing a few HTML tags. The reports printed fine, however they could not be "cut and pasted" onto another html file because of the improperly formatted Tables. Now score reports can easily be "cut and pasted" to combine multiple reports into one Upload file. This can be done using any HTML editing tool.
- Added ability to "Combine" multiple result reports into one report for printing or uploading to internet. (Racing View). This allows for combining mulitple Divisions or Class results into one single report. Each report is generated separately, then can be easily "combined" by dragging the files you want to combine. A "preview" screen allows for reviewing the content of the files, and also preview the "combined" report. This features requires that reports be generated with this build (13) or later due to improper html tags mentioned in above item.
- A "Save As" function has been added to the report preview screen for web format reports.
Race Log 3.5 Build 11 (6/30/06)
- Completed all Online Registration capabilities including complete Paypal integration and setup, and ability to easily customize Online Registration Form without requiring knowledge of HTML, and automatic upload of Form to internet.
- Network Fleet Files - Added ability to Open/Save/Share fleet files on internet.
- Added ability to save the Import Map defined in the Import External File process. The map can be reused.
Race Log 3.5 Build 9 (3/3/06))
- Added ablity to Import external data into Race Log fleet file format.
Race Log 3.5 Build 6 (2/11/06)
- Added ability to "Use" a UserID (for publishing results to net) which has already been established on the Race Log website. Formerly this was a problem for new installations of Race Log, where a UserID was already established on the internet but could not be accessed by the user of the new Race Log installation.
- The above capability is coordinated with the new ability to "Create" a new UserID at the Race Log website, and then capture it in Race Log via the "UserID" menu selction (in Registration View, or Racing View).
- Easier access to the "Upload" function (for uploading Results) from a button on the Menu Bar in Racing View.
- Open existing Results Reports directly form new Menu item and Menu Button for viewing, printing and uploading. Does not require a fleet file to be opened as previously required.
- Shareware version now supports 3 "UserID's" for upload results reports, Pro verions supports 15.
Race Log 3.4 Build 5 (6/30/05)
- Added "Squares of 40" scoring method. Basically same as High Point Fixed Average, except the points are squared before calculating the place. The default Top Points is 40, however you can enter any number you wish. This method is used by the Snipe class.
- Added ability to capture existing UserID (for uploading race results). Sometimes a reinstallation of Race Log loses the connection to a particular UserID. Now you can capture an existing UserID on the screen where you Create one. Make suer the ID you capture is actually yours.
- Fixed bug of occassional lost record.
- Can now have up to 3 UserID's with the downloaded Shareware version of Race Log.
Race Log 3.4 (4/20/2003)
- Stability enhancements
- Usability enhancements - more buttons
on menu bar, easier access to Race Log functions
- Display currently selected Score
Method on button bar
- Throwouts can now be used for High
Point scoring methods (High Point, High Point Average, High Point
Fixed, High Point Fixed Average)
- Improved appearance of results reports
-- optionally add shading to every other listed sailor
( for Web format, and Direct to Printer format), and option to print
borders on Web format
- Improved control over report width
- updated tie breaking now in Shareware
version (previously only in Pro version)
- More fixed width Fonts available for
printing reports, and for screen display
Race Log 3.3
- Fixed Tie Breaking so US Sailing can
specify Race Log's "complete" support of 2001-2004 Racing
Rules. Tie breaking now conforms to US Sailing's interpretation
of Tie Breaking in situations where multiple boats are still tied
after applying A8.1, and partially untied after applying A8.2, with
a confusion as to then applying A8.2 or A8.3 on the remaining unbroken
ties. This has been corrected.
- Configure Tie breaking method - the
Pro version allows user to turn on or off the para A8.2 process
for tie breaking. US Sailing is discussing elimination of
A8.2 from the tie breaking rules (as of 6/1/2002)
- Downloadable version is now fully
functional and freely distributable - Shareware. No limits
on number of Races, Racers for Fleets.
- Users can now create their own User
ID's and subsequent folders on Race Log website for uploading race
results. Shareware version allows 1 User ID and folder, upgrade
to Pro version allows 5 separate User ID's and folders. Multiple
folders allow for separate results hosting of your club's multiple
racing classes. This new User ID creation is done within the
Race Log session as long as you are connected to the internet.
Formerly the User ID creation had to be requested of ELB Software.
- Added Archive for saving registration
and fleet data for later re-use. Users can extract from and
add to Archive using extensive selection criteria.
- New "Drag'n Drop" method
of entering Finishes. Drag from Entrants list to Finish list
to create results for each race. Finishers can also be re-sequenced
by simply dragging Finisher to new position on Finish list.
Penalties can also be insert into list causing subsequent re-sequencing.
- Support for the new "ISAF ID"
from the International Racing Federation. For more information
see www.sailing.org
- The upgrade to the Pro version of
Race Log includes documentation in the new Microsoft eReader for
the PC format. For more information see www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/pc.asp
- as
of 6/19/2002 - fixed problem with blanks or spaces in filename,
and fixed problem of opening Archive in Racing View (a message now
stops you from doing so), and fixed intermittent "Access Violation"
when creating new fleet files in Racing View..
- as
of 8/22/2002 - fixed problem related to record disappearing
after editing data in Racing View.
- as
of 9/01/2002 - added menu item under "Window" in
the Racing View to open the "Upload Window" where you
can open existing "*.htm" files for uploading. This
provides easier access to the upload function. Previously
you had to go through the "Print" functions in order to
get to the "Upload Window".
Race Log 3.2
- Completed support for new Rules 2001-2004
-- 1) Tie Breaking, 2) New Penalty Codes, 3) Scoring Penalty
- Tie Breaking according to Rules
- Appendix A8.1, A8.2, and A8.3
- New Penalty codes described in
Rules - Appendix A11
- Scoring Penalty as described in
Rules 30.2 and 44.3(c) ( for Low Point Method only )
- Fleet files with the old Penalty codes
will still work, they will be interpreted and printed out as the
New codes.
- Added more intelligence to Re-sequencing
done by Race Log when using the "Insert Penalty/Finish" dialog box,
plus support for new Rules
- Added more intelligence to "Enter
Finishes" dialog box to allow for entering a penalty, then continue
with next Finish without Race Log getting lost, added
"Reset" buttons to make it easy to find the next Race to enter,
and to find the next Finish to enter for any selected Race
- Significant performance improvements:
1) when loading the Registration View, and 2) when scoring (90 seconds
down to 2 seconds for large fleet file).
Race Log 3.1
- added more fields to the grid display
on the Registration screen so can sort by these additional fields
such as "Measured", "Age", etc.
- added new Report to Registration View
to print and summarize Payment information
- added more intelligence to the "Insert
Penalty/Finish" screen in the Racing View to handle any insertion.
- added audible "Beep", and
"Red" colored messages when error is encountered on "Enter
Finishes" screen in the Racing View
- added ability to Sort in Racing View
by clicking on Column Headings in the Racing View
- added visual queue that Column Heading
is active when mouse passes over Column Heading in the Racing View.
- Throwout the "earlier" finish
or penalty when throwing out duplicate finish or penalty, (previous
versions threw out "last"
Race Log 3.0 Enhancements
Complete re-write of the "Racing
View", also referred to as "Standard Race Log".
This is the former "DOS" based part of Race Log.
It has been completely re-written for Windows. It operates conceptually
the same as the previous version with full screen editing of fleet
data, and the ability to have multiple fleets, divisions, and results
opened at the same time. The many improvements and enhancements include....
- easier to use, easier navigation
between screens and functions
- more visually appealing
- accepts "long" filenames,
same as any Windows application
- single screen for selecting Score
Method and associated options such as bonus points, penalties,
throwouts, etc
- improved method of changing screen
format (full control over which fields appear on screen and
- keep track of finishes as you
enter them when using the Enter Finishes dialog box in case you
get lost when entering large amounts of data
- easily
fix results by inserting a penalty or corrected Finish -
Race Log will automatically figure out how to properly re-sequence
the previously entered results
- change Font type, Font color,
and Font size of screen, and on reports
- improved
- three print options integrated into Race Log - Direct to
Printer, HTML Format, WordPad format - no more exiting Race Log
to customize print format.
- control
over Font type and size for reports - useful for printing large
fleets across a single page